
ACC adheres to the Texas Education Code for tuition and fees refunds.

 IMPORTANT: Review the consequences of dropping or withdrawing from a class.

College Credit Tuition & Fee Refunds

  • Dropping a class may entitle you to either an 100%, 70%, 25%, or 0% refund (depending on when the class is dropped during the registration period). For more information regarding refunds percentages, view Additional Session information.
  • Refunds for dropped classes will be processed twice weekly until the semester tuition deadline for your registration period.
  • During the semester registration period, refunds will not be processed the week before any payment deadline.
  • College credit tuition/fee refund deadlines are posted on the Registration and Important Dates
  • Select your refund preference (see below) in advance to avoid delays in receiving your refund.

Continuing Education Tuition & Fee Refunds

ACC mails Continuing Education tuition/fee refunds to your address on file unless you paid with a credit card. Ensure ACC has your correct address on file. See instructions to update your address

Continuing Education tuition/fee refund deadlines will be posted on Continuing Education refund policy page as soon as available. 

First Day Book Fee Refunds

To opt-out of the First Day book fee submit your request through your course’s site on Blackboard. Requests to opt-out or to cancel your opt-out must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the census date for every semester or additional session. Please note that refunds will be issued 15 days after the last day to opt-out.

Select Your Refund Preference

ACC delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. View our third-party servicer contract for refund management here.

It is important to choose a refund delivery preference whether or not you currently expect a refund. Visit and click “Need a Code” to begin the refund preference selection process.
For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit

Additional Information

  • Credit card refunds will appear on your monthly statement. You are responsible for interest charged to the credit card account while the refund is processed.
  • Refunds of third-party or sponsor payments are sent back to those payers, See other payment arrangements for third-party information.
  • We deduct any debt owed to the college before issuing a refund.

Refund Questions and Answers

What type of refund might I get from ACC?

The types of money refunded to students may include reimbursement for tuition overpayment or a dropped class. The most common type of money refunded to students are funds remaining from financial aid awards, loans or grants after tuition has been paid.

How is my money delivered?

Refunds for overpayment or a dropped class made by credit card will be returned to the original card used. Refunds of any other type are disbursed by ACC through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. according to the refund preference you selected with BankMobile Disbursements. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit this link:

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